reviews I have received from families I have supported in the community

  • May 2024

    ”After giving birth to my daughter in February 2024, it quickly became apparent that I did not have any colostrum/milk to feed her. We were kept in hospital after the labour due to other monitoring that needed to be carried out for 24 hours. However, this ended up escalating to a 5 day stay due to feeding complications. My baby was fed formula for the first 5 days of her life and due to my desire to breastfeed, I was given an electric pump to use in hospital and encouraged at each feed time to let her try and latch, then bottle feed her with formula and then pump on both sides to stimulate milk production. I felt completely clueless, I didn’t know how to hold my baby correctly to try and feed her or how to ensure she latched correctly. I didn’t know what felt “normal” and other than using the pump, I was unsure what else I could do to stimulate my milk supply. I asked repeatedly for support and did receive some but the staff were so busy that it was fleeting advice and didn’t build my confidence nor result in my baby latching successfully. On day 5, the repeated pumping resulted in me producing a small amount of milk - this felt like a huge achievement and we fought to get home to be in our own space where I agreed that I would continue to seek support with breastfeeding from community midwives, health visitors etc.

    Claire was recommended to me from a close friend who had worked with her previously and stated how passionate and knowledgeable she was about breastfeeding.

    Claire came out to visit us the same evening of our hospital discharge and completely turned our circumstances around. By the end of her visit, just an hour and a half later, my baby could latch successfully through the aid of nipple shields and was starting to drink my milk for the first time since she was born. I also additionally knew different positions I could use to feed her and was advised by Claire how to wean her off the bottles she had been having up until that point.

    I cannot thank Claire enough for enabling me to have the breastfeeding experience I so desperately wanted for myself and my baby. She gave me hope at a time when I felt completely deflated and hopeless and had no faith in body or abilities. Claire’s passion for breastfeeding shines through in her support, she is approachable and caring, I felt really comfortable in her company despite being in a vulnerable position and emotional! Claire has great knowledge which backs up her approach and provided follow up support in the coming weeks after her visit which was invaluable. I’ll always be grateful for her help and I feel extremely lucky to have been able to have such a special experience with my baby.”

    Age of Baby - 6 days

  • August 2024

    "I contacted Claire after being at my wits end dealing with nipple pain after breastfeeding my daughter exclusively since her birth 4 weeks ago. I was becoming emotional and even dreading each feed as I was in that much pain. We booked an hour session with Claire and she was extremely compassionate, supportive and understanding of my worries and problems. She has a non-judgemental approach that made me feel listened to, and quickly identified that my daughter’s latch was too shallow. Within our hour session with her she was able to show me a technique that could rectify this problem and I was able to practice it with her guidance in her visit. After the visit she provided me with detailed notes on how to continue the technique. Claire has also checked in with me since and has done a video call to check the latch when I needed reassurance. Overall I’m extremely glad i sought help and got in touch with Claire, as I can already tell she will have helped elongate my breastfeeding journey and I’m on the way to enjoying feeding my daughter again."

    Age of Baby - 4 Weeks

  • September 2024

    “A huge thank you to Claire for not only coming out so soon but also getting me the right help I needed for my baby boy. I was so nervous awaiting Claire’s arrival as I am a very self-conscious individual. Claire made me feel so at ease from the minute she walked into my home – anything was ok with her!

    She explained things in great detail and gave me the advice I needed at the time. Claire gave me hope that my breastfeeding journey wasn’t over, it was just beginning. Even after Caire had gone home she kept in contact and even passed on my details to the right people to get my son assessed for tongue-tie division. 

    I highly recommend her expertise and wouldn’t hesitate to contact her again if I had more children.”

    Age of Baby - 4 days