reviews from parents I worked with as an Infant Feeding Specialist Nurse (2021-2023)

  • “Having been seen by Claire was the most important factor to get the breastfeeding as efficient as it could be. Since birth previous staff had said that my baby was feeding okay and nothing needed to change, however breastfeeding was painful which I thought was normal, and my nipples were damaged and he was taking so long to feed and I was worried about his weight. Claire corrected my positioning, observed the latch and taught me all signs of an effective feed. We talked in depth about responsive feeding and the normal feeding patterns of a breast-fed baby. She also weighed him and called him in for a hospital follow-up. After 3 days my nipples were healing well, feeding was taking less time and my baby's weight improved beautifully. “

  • “Claire was amazingly supportive and knowledgeable. Until I saw Claire, breastfeeding was painful and we had concerns that the baby was not getting the feed they needed. Claire conducted a thorough assessment and was able to provide guidance on how to latch effectively and made useful recommendations of the things that would help us on our breast feeding journey. After speaking to Claire, breast feeding became pain-free and our baby thrived, putting on a healthy amount of weight. Claire was friendly, approachable and we did not feel rushed when speaking to her. She is a credit to the hospital.”

  • “Claire was wonderful! She made such a difference in our breast feeding journey with her knowledge, patience and kindness. She genuinely cares about each person she sees and spends as much time as is necessary to make sure both mum and baby are in the best position possible to carry on breast feeding once they leave hospital. I would say she is invaluable and an indispensable part of the team. It would be an improvement if Claire could see babies in Maternity within 24 hours of birth so that the problems and issues that arise never get as far as the baby needing to be re-admitted to hospital.”

  • “Claire was amazing. Due to my baby having a tongue tie I didn't have a positive experience with breast feeding and was at the point of giving up. Claire came and spent the time to listen and explained everything about breast feeding. She showed me how to hold my baby, how to obtain a correct latch and what to look out for to see effective feeding. She came to the ward each time I was due to feed to give me that one-to-one help. I cannot say how much she helped us and she took the time to explain everything to me and my husband. It is because of Claire and the techniques she taught me that I am still breast feeding now. She also phoned me after I was discharged to check things were okay and her going above and beyond meant a lot to me. The service Claire provides is invaluable to new mums. She takes the time to teach and help with something that is difficult that is sometimes not explained by other professionals. Claire was so busy from the moment she came on shift but she still gave the time needed to each mum. I can't praise her enough.”

  • “Claire was an amazing help to me in the hospital and she actually was the only person who got to the bottom of why we ended up being back in hospital which none of the doctors or midwives had noticed. Claire gave me support to breastfeed, physically and emotionally. She was the most help throughout my pregnancy and postnatal care. She showed me breast feeding techniques as well as explaining why they are beneficial. She was excellent with my baby too. Claire also showed me bottle feeding techniques to use to enable my baby to carry on breast feeding with ease (mixed feeding). She also showed my husband the techniques and always explained everything to us. Claire's manner and attitude made me feel at ease and much better equipped. She is a real asset to the ward. My husband and I would like to pass on our personal thanks to Claire for all her help, support and kindness when we were going through such a difficult few days. Claire is a credit to the hospital and the NHS and I cannot thank her enough for all of her help at the most scary time of my life.”

  • “I had support from Claire when I was in desperate need of breast feeding support because my baby had lost quite a bit of weight in the initial 3 days after birth and was dehydrated. Claire assisted us in the emergency department and took us to the ward. She diagnosed every possibility of a problem and gave us a perfect analysis and assisted until the problem ended. Claire is a very professional, polite and a lovely person who gave us assurance that the problem can be solved. Claire is a much needed person in the NHS.”

  • “Claire's support was of great benefit as my baby wouldn't latch properly. Actually, I didn't know how to latch him to my breast although it wasn't my first time breast feeding. Claire showed me how to do it and I still follow her advice. Her input was greatly appreciated.”

  • “Claire taught me some more breast feeding techniques that I wasn't aware of. She also gave me some tips on how to successfully get my baby to feed. Claire was excellent.”

  • “Claire's support really helped me in carrying on with my breast feeding and my baby had lost 11% of their birth weight. She provided guidance and told me what to do and it encouraged me. I am really glad and thankful for Claire's support.”

  • “Without Claire's support and her service it is highly probable I would not continue breast feeding. Claire's dedication and the time she spent with me helped me to survive a hard time and sort out the problems with my feeding. I do really appreciate her help and her patience. Now I'm a happy mother who is enjoying breast feeding.”

  • “Claire was extremely helpful as she provided knowledge that was needed and she gave me reassurance at a time when I felt I needed support. I would highly recommend Claire to any mother who is struggling with breast feeding.“

  • “Initially I was a little nervous about having breast feeding support as I was worried someone would be critical of how we were feeding, but Claire was incredibly friendly and put me at ease straight away. We chatted about other things, family, career etc and I didn't feel pressured with Claire. She offered some helpful guidance which I have continued to use at home. It is a great service that Claire offers and I was grateful for her help and support. Thank you.”